Case Summary

Case Summary

The Case Summary provides the device type and serial number, additional patient information, and the ability to view and add tags. Access the Case Summary page by clicking the case number on the Manage Cases page.

From this section, you can access Performance Summary, Playback, CPR Zoom, 12-Leads, Exports, and Audit Log. Access the Case Summary page by clicking the case number on the Manage Cases page.

Note: The system enables the CPR Events Summary and CPR Zoom tabs for cases with CPR.

Steps to add or edit patient data

Note: Race and date of birth fields may not display depending on your location.

  1. On the CaseReview navigation bar, click Manage Cases .
  2. Click the case number.
  3. On the Case Summary tab, click 'Edit patient info'.
  4. Modify the existing data and then click Save Changes.

Tags section

The Tags section displays all tags associated with this case.

To learn all about what tags are and how to use them, go to Using tags.